I'm an artist, designer, music producer, author, and mystic with a passion for truth and personal growth. I like to share what I'm working on and working through each week, highlighting my creative pursuits and providing tips, tools, and resources for fellow creators.
Try this "feeling states" meditation I made - Finley Fridays #44
Published 5 months ago • 5 min read
Hey Reader,
A few weeks ago I created this "feeling states" meditation using an interval timer app on my phone. I wanted to build a custom timer to prompt me into "higher" states of being (such as gratitude, truth, peace) because it's so easy to just default into negative, critical, or cynical states of being. I've been really loving it and finding it useful so I thought I'd share it with you for free.
My Feeling States Meditation
Most meditation focuses on mindfulness or becoming the witness to your thoughts and sensations. This is effective in helping you disidentify with your thoughts and start to identify more as the presence behind it all. That's great but this is different.
The idea came to me in meditation actually. In my practice, I don't just sit there and observe myself or my thoughts. I tend to adopt a state of surrender to what is or prime reality, which is different than mindfulness. It's more "relational" than a discipline. It's a coming home, or a letting go and going back to my source. It feels like there's a relationship with small me and the great mystery of existence.
This meditation is kind of like that, but that's just one feeling state. An important one, but there are different flavors you can enjoy and only take a minute to experience. It's easy to forget about this aspect of your being when you're spending all day reacting to the world around you, putting out fires, and feeling out of touch with your divine self.
I invite you to try this out and see how you like it.
Use the Seconds App: Use my link and access the timer on the web or import it into your app. If for some reason that link doesn't work, you can try manually setting it up below:
Alternative setup in any timer app: Use an interval timer app of your choosing. Add each feeling state as an "exercise" and set the duration for one minute each. If you have text-to-speech enabled, use that. Feel free to change settings as you see fit.
Music to elevate the experience: I recommend background music to enhance your experience and get you in the right head space. I use Brain.FM's "serene calm" as my go-to option, but you can find lots of meditation music on Spotify/YouTube.
Screenshots of the Seconds interval timer and Brain.FM background music
20 Feelings in 20 Minutes
Here's a list of the different feelings in my meditation right now. Feel free to customize to your own preferences. The idea is to let yourself feel these. It's like a remembering. You already know how to do this, you've only forgotten. If it seems difficult at first, that's okay, don't try so hard. This isn't about effort.
You're going to get thoughts. You're going have various images or memories pop up in your minds eye. Notice them with curiosity and lightness. Don't take this practice too seriously. Just try it on and see how you like it.
I provided some descriptions of each, but do what you feel like.
Presence Let yourself come into the present moment. Think to yourself, "I am here." or "I'm coming home." Feel what it's like to fully be here now.
Trust Say to yourself, "Trust...what does if feel like to trust?" Imagine what it feels like to feel like you can fully trust yourself or the divine.
Devotion What does it feel like to bow in devotion to your beloved? What if your beloved wasn’t outside of yourself, but the divine essence within you? What if it was also bowing to you in return?
Awe & Wonder The magic and great mystery of life. Think, "What if everything is a miracle? What if I AM a miracle?" Feel the wonder as you see the world with fresh eyes.
Peace What does "peace" feel like? You might now it's opposite. Settle into what you know. Say, "I am peace, embodied." Feel the deep stillness that resides inside, untouched by external chaos.
Truth Align with your deep inner knowing of ultimate truth. It cannot be spoken or even described, so set your intention on the source of truth within. The true essence of what is without agendas or opinions.
Joy Let lightness fill you. Say to yourself, "Joy... what would true joy feel like?" Feel the expansive energy of pure happiness bubbling up inside.
Laughter Connect to the playful side of life. Think, "I can laugh at the absurdity." Imagine a cheerful smile inside your heart. Feel the release and freedom that comes from laughter.
Acceptance Think to yourself, "I accept what is." It doesn't mean condoning wrongful behavior, but stepping out of denial. Let go of resistance, allow what is.
Abundance Recognize the true wealth around and within you. Say, "I have everything I need. I AM everything. I AM abundance itself." Feel the richness of life, overflowing in every moment.
Creativity Open up to the creative flow. Say, "I am a vessel for creation. I am creativity itself." Remember what it feels like to create from pure joy.
Security Ground yourself in true safety. Say, "I am safe. I am safety embodied." Feel what it might feel like to be fully supported, safe, and held.
Confidence Step into your own power. Think, "I know myself." Feel the strength and assurance that comes from really knowing who you are.
Freedom Release all limitations. Say, "I am free." Feel the boundless space around you, the limitless possibilities ahead. The relief of no obligations and sense of infinite possibilities.
Service What is "true service" instead of servitude? Feel the fulfillment that comes from effortless giving without agendas or obligations.
Certainty Anchor into what it feels like to know. Say, "I am certain. I know. I remember." If you can't feel it, embrace it's opposite.
Alignment Bring all parts of yourself into harmony. Think, "I am doing exactly as I am meant to do." Feel the balance between your mind, body, and soul.
Synchronicity Tune into the flow of life’s perfect timing. Remember magical coincidences that you have forgotten.
Ease & Flow Let go of effort and struggle. Imagine wind in your sails and the feeling of the natural flow of life.
Gratitude End the meditation with gratitude and appreciation. Think, "I am grateful for all that is." Feel the warmth in your heart as you appreciate not only the divine mystery, but also your human self for going through it.
After the 20 minutes are up, you can continue to stay in the zone if you're feeling it. Or end the meditation and move on with your day.
Embrace the Opposites
Every one of these feelings has its opposite or absence. I'm sure you can remember what those feel like too. For example, when I am feeling "confidence" I can distinctly remember what it feels like to NOT be confident. Or uncertainty, insecurity, illusion, denial, fear, despair, etc.
Sometimes remembering how the opposite feels helps us tuning into what the presence of it is. Think to yourself, "Oh yeah, that's what this feels like." Spend time with it until the timer prompts you to move onto the next feeling state.
Try it for a week - 7 Day Challenge
Try it out for a week and see how you feel. Add it to your existing meditation practice. Or shorten it down to just ten feelings in ten minutes. Whatever you do, I hope that you enjoy it and get something out of it.
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I'm an artist, designer, music producer, author, and mystic with a passion for truth and personal growth. I like to share what I'm working on and working through each week, highlighting my creative pursuits and providing tips, tools, and resources for fellow creators.
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